React Interview Questions

React is a free and open sourced front-end javascript library. Initially released on May-2013. Current latest  stable version is 17.0.2

  1. What is React?
    React is a free and open sourced front-end javascript library. Initially released on May-2013. Current latest  stable version is 17.0.2.

  2. What are the advantages of React? 
    • wrtewerytytuytru
    • rturtutrurt
    • utr
    • utr
    • urtutrutrutrurturturtutrutr     
  3. What are the limitations of React?
    • qwrqwqweteqwtqw
    • qwtqwtqw
    • tqw
    • tqwtqwtqwtqwtqwtqwtqw
    • qwtqwtwqtwqt

  4. What is Virtual DOM?
     safasgagdasgd  agagagagagasgag asgag ag s gs gf h h dshf h df hdf hdf hd fhdf hdfhdfhsdgsdgsdgsdgsdgsdgsdgsdgg sdgsdg g sdg sdg sdg sdg sdg sdgs dgsd g.

  5. What is JSX?
     safasgagdasgd  agagagagagasgag asgag ag s gs gf h h dshf h df hdf hdf hd fhdf hdfhdfhsdgsdgsdgsdgsdgsdgsdgsdgg sdgsdg g sdg sdg sdg sdg sdg sdgs dgsd g.
  6. What are the different type of components ?
  7. What are the lifecycle events of class based components?
  8. What are the lifecycle events of functional components?
  9. What are the differences between state & props?
  10. What are the Controlled & Uncontrolled components?
  11. What is hooks?

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